Sunday, 31 January 2016

Rud 7: Podcasts

In 2012 I did my first 23 Things which included Podcasts. Shortly afterwards I got a newer laptop and one of the first things I did was download Audacity and there Audacity has sat. I haven't used it at all apart from accidentally hitting the wrong icon. Audacity sits next to my Calibre library and so it's accidentally hit quite a bit but this still doesn't have me saying "Today I'm going to learn how to use Audacity." Reading this post has got me thinking though how I might use it.

I've signed up for a Soundcloud account which I've already branded in my Walker Abroad image scheme - the same way as I have my Twitter account. I've listened to the A&SL group podcasts and they've certainly given my food for thought.

I can certainly see how I could use it at work. I've created a Special Collections' Guide and a podcast could sit nicely on the front page. Equally the suggestion about a Wordpress plug-in would work as I'm part of a team that has a blog: The Riverside and one of our recent posts had a YouTube plug-in added. It seems crazy that we hadn't needed a YouTube plugin until now but in a few years time it might seem equally crazy that we hadn't had a podcasting one added sooner.

In the meantime it's back to Battlestar Galactica Podcasts by Ronald D Moore!

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