Sunday 31 January 2016

Rud 15: Advocacy for Libraries

When it comes to advocacy I am a lurker. I don't think I do enough. I see Ian Clark's work and I think 'wow.' I've attended a day seminar where Lauren Smith spoke about her work and I thought 'wow.' I think no matter what I have to say it is nowhere near as on-point as what they have to say and I'll come off looking stupid and more importantly having done libraries a disservice.

I try to advocate then in small ways. I speak at conferences and write blog posts in the hopes that someone else may see them and see what it is we do in libraries. Two years ago the Forum for Medieval & Renaissance Studies (FMRSI) newsletter linked to a blog post on an exhibition we had run on Dante.

I'm concerned though that we're just talking to each other and no one else is listening.
How do we break out of the echo chamber? I imagine that it takes a lot of hard work along the lines of what Ian and Lauren do.

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