Sunday, 31 January 2016

Rud 20: Presentations

I mostly use PowerPoint which use to be a disaster but then I moved away from bullets. Now I try to use only pictures with a minimal amount of text. The downside to this is if anyone is looking the presentation later they really won't know what's going on.

I was late to SlideShare but after giving two presentations in the one week I thought it was silly not to get the full benefit of it and so I created a SlideShare account. The first and so far the only one I've made public is the presentation I gave at CONUL's Teaching & Learning Seminar.
I wasn't nervous regarding the content for this presentation as it covered things that I had done with a number of classes over the last few years. What was different for me was that it was a Pecha Kucha presentation and let's face it we don't think in 20 seconds on a topic. Some bleed into each other - some take five seconds and others take 40 seconds. The trick for this one then was having them move seamlessly into the other, or not as it happened! One sentence goes awry and then you're constantly trying to get back on track. Will I give another Pecha Kucha presentation? No, probably not but I'm glad that I did one. For anyone who wishes to try one: even more practice is required than for a regular presentation! 

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