Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Thing 17: The Medium is the Message - Prezi & Slideshare

I'm already on slideshare but as yet I've loaded no slides. I use it a lot to view other people's slides: Brian Mathews, Lorcan Dempsey, Stephen Abrams aka the library giants. Do I add something before I've revamped the site to conform to my personal brand?

The presentations I see seem to conform to bullets and a lot of texts. For any presentations I do I try not to have bullets or text but pictures. After all a picture is worth a thousand words. However if other people are used to bullets then the absence of bullets freaks them out.

Which leads me to Prezi. Prezi is amazing. Is it bad to say I'd never heard of Prezi. And once you hear about it, well it's everywhere. Funny thing, on the seminar on effective presentations the presenter used powerpoint but another academic talked about Prezi. My library people aren't using Prezi so are we doing the community a disservice by not being aware of Prezi or other similar tools? What do we do as a library?

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