Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Thing 13: Google Docs, Wikis and Dropbox

When did Google Docs become Google Drive? Hmm, mustn't have used it in a while? Is the name change doffing a hat to the USB drives? I think people use USB drives more than Google Drive. I own about 10 in varying sizes.

However if I'm going somewhere and I don't want to bring my USB key the I use Dropbox and I find it really handy. There are security issues with Dropbox but for information that's going on the web anyway I don't see why it can't be accessed by others on Dropbox. Perhaps others wouldn't need the ability to change the document but it depends on the document. Is it a living document constantly in a state of beta or not? I use Dropbox to transfer large files between my computer at home and my work computer and it can be handy if two people (or more!) are sharing a project.

I like Wikipedia. I know it's got a lot of bad press but the editing procedures and standards have changed hugely since its inception.

Recently I've been thinking about how best to use wikis in relation to Special Collections. Do I set up a wiki? Use a pre-existing site and customise as much as possible? Well my coding isn't that great so I don't know how possible that could be. I do think they would be useful and more so than a list of pdf or word documents. It's just one more thing to think about!

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