Thursday, 17 May 2012

Thing 2: Investigating Blogs

From the delicious bookmarks I can see the range of people who've signed up to do cpd 23 things and what a variety of areas they work in. Quite a few people are just as apprehensive as I am about maintaining the level of commitment over the weeks. This I know is also true for writing a dissertation in that you don't want to take your foot off the pedal, though it is inevitable.

I posted on deeslibraryramblings' space. Like me, she started a bit late but I find you get into the swing of it quite easily.

Adventures in the library: Emily is a library assistant like me and she's also interested in murder mysteries. It's funny really how many people who work in libraries are into murder mysteries. There's an unofficial book club at work and we pass around books and tips on Nordic crime fiction in particular.

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